5 things to let go of today
When life gets hectic, who doesn’t dream of replacing the chaos with a little more calm instead? At times like this, you might find yourself struggling through, stuck between a busy schedule and too many to-do’s. Why can’t it be easier to make balance your best friend, and live blissfully ever after? Letting go can be liberating, but first you need to discover exactly What’s holding you back.
What are your priorities?
You crave more calm but everyday life keeps getting in the way. Something more important always pops up, serving as a good excuse to deal with your needs or desires later. Of course, life doesn’t slow down, and later never comes. If any of this is resonating, this might just be a timely reminder that a slower, gentler and more mindful way of life is possible. You can create more calm when you choose to let go.
Create calm by letting go
To let go involves getting in touch with your calmer side. The part of you that can stay cool under pressure and deal with what comes your way. (It is hiding in there somewhere, I promise!). Living in a constant state of tension, overwhelm or feeling perpetually exhausted indicates that you’re probably taking on too much. You may not have reunited with your calmer side in quite a while. If that sounds familiar, it’s high time to reconnect and then start to release whatever it is that’s holding you back from being your best.
When your calmer side is in control, things feel different, better. You’re a more patient driver and more thoughtful towards others, you remember to reply to texts and you are clear on what needs doing next. This clarity, compassion and ability to stay calm will serve you well but it’s hard to access when there’s too much ‘clutter’ getting in the way. Letting go leaves space for the calm to come back.
When it comes to being more present and peaceful, your calmer side has got your back. With small and steady steps, this calmer you can confidently take the lead - making life a little or a whole lot easier day to day. What’s better, consciously creating calm doesn’t involve adding more to your to-do list. In fact, quite the opposite. It’s all about taking things off your plate and creating more breathing space. Just like a good declutter, finding calm and leaning into letting go can be liberating, and the outcome can be life-changing.
What are you holding on to?
We are moved to let go when we become aware that what we’re holding on to is exactly what’s holding us back. This doesn’t mean you need to radically overhaul your relationships or upend what you’ve been working on so hard in order to get to where you want to be. Simply becoming more aware of what’s going on and paying attention to your everyday experiences will make it a lot easier to realise what you’re holding on to and what’s holding you back. From there, you can take a conscious step forwards in the direction you want to go.
- Annika Rose
You can let go of that which you need to one steady step at a time, with kindness and compassion towards yourself, and others. When you take this gentle approach to intentionally creating what it is that you crave, you’ll notice positive transformation begins to take place easily. Every time something is released, your perspective and priorities begin to change - without force, and always in your favour. In no time you’ll trust to let your calmer side lead the way, and feel increasingly confident that you’ve got what it takes to succeed in a way that works well for you.
Peace made possible
By letting go of the emotions and experiences that are holding you back, you can make a choice to live a life that feels lighter, less stressful, and actually lights you up. If you’re craving more calm and clarity in your life, what do you need to let go of to get there?
Here are 5 things to let go of right now IF YOU’re ready to create more calm, clarity and connection in your life:
1 // Expectations:
It can be stressful when things don’t go according to plan or you’re certain something will happen, then it doesn’t. Expectations get in the way and cloud judgements when your sights are set on things playing out a particular way or achieving a particular outcome, and it doesn’t quite materialise exactly as you’d hoped. Can you notice when you have created expectations? Look at how letting go of these leads to less stress and a more flexible and accepting attitude towards things unfolding exactly as they are. You’ll begin to enjoy the spontaneity as you surrender to whatever happens next.
2 // Limitations:
Do you often tell yourself “I couldn’t do that …” when you’ve never actually given it a go before? When limiting beliefs take over, they can halt your progress and block you from becoming your best self. These long-held beliefs operate deep below the surface and can subconsciously sabotage you by creating unnecessary stress and suffering. Believing that you can’t do or say something will shrink your momentary experiences and the impact you could be making. If you want to put an end to this unnecessary struggle, it’s time to let go of these limitations. Try turning your attention to what’s possible instead, by considering what are your biggest goals? What do you dream of achieving? What would you do if you let go of the limitations that have been holding you back for so long?
3 // Self-criticism:
This can take over when the negative voice telling you that you aren’t good enough or smart enough or you don’t belong plays loudly, and ever so convincingly, on repeat. By paying attention to what kind of self-critical thoughts arising, you can choose whether to listen, or change the channel to something more supportive playing between your ears! Switching off the self-criticism leaves room for far more self-compassion, which makes it well worth letting go of! By treating yourself more kindly, you’ll notice your ability to care for yourself, and those around you, increases. What would change if you treated yourself exactly as you would treat a friend, when they are struggling? What advice would you give to them if they were the ones in your shoes?
4 // Comparison:
Do you find it tricky to stay in your own lane and resist the urge to compare yourself to those around you. When you look around to see that your best friend falls pregnant, your brother gets married, your colleague gets the promotion and your neighbour strikes it lucky, you can feel like you’re failing. Comparison is the thief of joy and comparing the elements of yourself and your life, to your (wildly inaccurate) perception of someone else’s, will leave you feeling dissatisfied and stressed out. Letting go of the need to compare yourself to those around you creates the space to consider where you are today, compared to where you were before. Step aside from comparison culture to take stock. Can you see how far you’ve come?
5 // Resentment:
When something tough or incredibly challenging happens to you, the impact can last for a lifetime. Learning to let go of the negativity from the past and move forwards to a more positive place on your own terms can be an incredibly empowering choice to make. Becoming aware of the hold the past has on you means you can release what’s happened and proceed to somewhere far happier and healthier from today. When it’s time to let go, you’re likely to feel a lot less anxious, negative and feel far more empowered and free instead. You can’t change the past, but you can leave it where it belongs. Are you ready to start creating more freedom and a brighter future for yourself, from today?
In my new book, Mindfulness: finding peace in the everyday, I share how to develop your skills so you can live life more consciously and create the calm you’re craving. By learning how to connect more deeply with your inner world, you’ll wake up to what’s possible and the precious moments that may have been passing you by. You’ll discover what matters most and can choose what to let go of. In the book I’ve included step-by-step instructions on how to get started with a simple mindfulness practice and there’s meditations and breathing exercises for absolute beginners too. It’s easy to read and packed with tips and tools to make every day calmer and happier. The book is available to buy worldwide, now. Are you ready to #discovermindfulness with Annika Rose?
Letting go is liberating. I’m curious to know, what will you choose to let go of first?
Leave me a comment below to let me know which step you’ll start with today.