Discover our ultimate birthday interview guide—with 40 thoughtful questions to help you reflect on your past year, celebrate your present, and envision a flourishing future! From playful quick-fire rounds to profound reflections, this interactive celebration captures your evolving wisdom in a personal time capsule that grows more precious with each passing year. Start this beautiful tradition today and watch as your birthday transforms from just another candle on the cake to a powerful milestone that honors your entire story.
Receptivity isn't just a skill to master; it's an invitation to a richer, more connected way of moving through the world. It’s wonderfully liberating to set down the weight of always needing to broadcast your thoughts and simply be present to receive instead. Each conversation becomes an opportunity for discovery, each person a potential teacher, each challenge a doorway to growth we might otherwise miss. Try these simple practices and today, experiment with being a little more receptive than usual.
In a world that glorifies hustle, slowing down feels like a radical act, but it’s one that aligns with how your brain was designed to thrive. Discover the smart and simple strategies of slow living and notice how you begin to feel calmer, clearer and reclaim control of your time and attention once more.
This International Women's Day, I invite you to move beyond symbolic gestures and take meaningful action—whether as a woman navigating workplace challenges or as an ally committed to creating change. Discover evidence-based strategies to put into practice this International Women's Day and create real transformation with the ARISE framework—a holistic approach that integrates purposeful action, strategic resilience, authentic impact, unique strengths, and sustainable empowerment to raise women and their wellbeing up!
As International Women’s Day approaches next month, how can women develop and embody greater confidence—whether in the workplace, social settings, or personal life? What does quiet confidence look like in action and how can more of us cultivate it? Let’s explore some key strategies to #accelerateaction leading upto International Women’s Day 2025, and beyond.
Are you feeling the love? Annika shares some interesting science, insights, heart-opening practices and connection-building strategies for whatever your relationship status. Join the fun by taking part in her free 7-day Feel The Love Challenge too!
What’s your meditation rhythm? Do you have one? Discover the best time to meditate based on your lifestyle, daily commitments and the changing seasons. Whether it’s sunrise stillness, a midday reset, or a bedtime wind-down, find a practice that works for you. Meditation isn’t about perfection—it’s about presence. #Mindfulness #Meditation
If January felt like a blur, and you're only just getting clear on what you want this year to feel like—good news: you're not behind. You're perfectly on time. Your timeline is your own. Your path is your own. Discover your own rhythm and begin a new chapter whenever you want to. Here’s how.
The average person has upwards of 60,000 thoughts a day, hundreds of emails flooding our personal and professional inboxes, pings, push-notifications and advertisments galore. It’s no wonder we’re all overwhelmed! Is it really possible to calm your mind in amongst the chaos, and how do you look after your mental health and wellbeing in the noise and pace of the modern world? Let Annika guide the way …
Each day is another opportunity to begin again, but will you relate to yourself kindly as you do? Annika explores what it means to start over - a new year, a new chapter, a new season - from a place of self-compassion and shares several simple ways you can use the science on this topic to add more kindness into your day, starting right now.
Are you ready to make 2025 your most aligned year yet? Annika Rose has designed her FREE Embrace The Year Guide to be your roadmap to a life that feels aligned, joyful, and full of purpose. Start your year with intention and take inspired action. Download your free guide today and step into 2025 with clarity and confidence!
Here’s a truth we often forget: Christmas doesn’t need to be perfect to be beautiful. In fact, it’s in the messiness—the imperfect moments, the unplanned pauses, the challenging times —that presence and peace can quietly show up. Join Annika for a reminder of what you can and can’t control this Christmas, and to explore some simple ways you can nurture yourself, find your calm, and soften into the magic of the season once more.
This Christmas it’s not about getting everything done—it’s about soaking in the moments that make your heart feel full. Whether it’s the laughter of loved ones, the glow of fairy lights, or the peace of a quiet evening, let these simple joys remind you of what this season is truly about.
What if there’s a healthier alternative to ending the festive season feeling utterly frazzled? What if the real key to success when life speeds up, lies in intentionally slowing down? What would it mean to embrace a slower pace, on purpose, as this year draws to an end?
A chance encounter, a perfectly timed email or something happening out-of-the-blue reminds us serendipity is always at work. But what does science say and how do you know when to trust your gut, take it seriously and make the leap? Here’s how to say yes when the stars align and make the most of the ‘magical’ moments that come your way …
How do you speak to yourself when things don’t go as planned? Are you as kind and understanding as you would be with a friend? Or is your inner critic quick to jump in with harsh words? Most people find it much easier to extend kindness to others than themselves. We explore why that is, and how to start being kinder to yourself—even when it feels difficult.
Curiosity is a powerful force we rarely activate to it’s full potential in adulthood. It keeps our minds open, allows us to see things from new perspectives and helps us to find joy in the little things. Let’s bring this simple superpower back to everyday life.
Letting go can be liberating, so what’s holding you back? Here’s five more things to let go of if you’re looking for more calm, joy, and clarity in your life. Every little bit you release is paving the way for something even better to emerge. How exciting!
However versatile and powerful a practice mindfulness can be, as a Mindfulness Teacher and Mentor I am here to tell you it doesn’t do it all. Read on to find out why mindfulness isn’t a panacea, and what that means for your wellbeing.
It’s easy to feel peaceful when life is smooth and things are going your way. But true peace comes when you can extend that same compassion to yourself in the tough moments. The next time you’re having a tough day and find yourself searching for calm, don’t look too far. Pause, breathe, and trust that what you seek is a lot closer than you think.
Using simple strategies to reconnect your mind and body could be your secret weapon for tackling work stress, bringing you back into balance and turning those tricky moments into manageable ones.
In a world where stress and deadlines dominate, there’s one secret ingredient that can transform your workplace—kindness. Discover how small acts of compassion can create a thriving, more connected company culture.
How is it go, go, go, going for you? Are you feeling fulfilled and reaching your goals? In a world that has a need for speed and praises productivity above all else, could slowing down be the antidote to achieving more? The paradox of pausing is that it is a necessary element to getting ahead. Slow is the new fast. Annika Rose tells us to take our time, regularly press pause, and trust that slowing down is the true secret to achieving success and performing at our peak.
Why do we overlook what we have, and crave what we don’t? Making gratitude a regular happiness habit has benefits for both mind and body so check out our top 11 gratitude goodies to help you on your way.
When life gets hectic, who doesn’t dream of replacing the chaos with a little more calm instead? Why can’t it be easier to make balance your best friend, and live blissfully ever after? Letting go can be liberating, so what’s holding you back?
If you’ve ever struggled to prioritise your health and happiness, you’re not alone. The truth is, creating positive change in your everyday life takes a little intentional action on your part, but the long-term rewards are well worth it. So, what’s holding your healthy habits back?
Even in a year like 2020 when covid-19 has brought everyday life to a standstill in so many ways, we’re somehow still busy. Unfortunately lots of our time is spent living on autopilot as a result. Scientists have found the less mindful you are, the more unhappy you might actually be. So, how can we change this for the better, in simple ways?
A surge in popularity has led to some persistent mindfulness misinformation doing the rounds. The mention of mindfulness meditation raises some curious questions, and there are many myths to be busted, or at least be aware of when you’re looking for answers or wondering where to begin.
Are you getting ready for a vacay or dreaming of your next getaway? This week Annika Rose reveals ten game-changing strategies to transform your precious time off. Discover how to ditch digital distractions, find authentic local experiences, and create moments that refresh your soul—not drain it. Stop collecting tourist snapshots and start collecting memories that matter. It’s time to take your holiday from ordinary to extraordinary!