Lesson Summary:
Making meditation a daily or dedicated practice
Guided meditation: Practicing Presence
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going …
Is now the time for a tiny change?
TAKE ACTION: Use the tiny habit strategy to create a daily meditation practice, and consciously bring a mindful moment into your day.
1. Identify the habit you want to create
2. Choose a trigger to attach your habit to
3. Remember to reward yourself!
Annika recommends: 5-10 minutes of meditation a day
Either select a meditation from the resources section in your virtual classroom, or download a beginner’s mindfulness training app of your choice.
+ Select at least ONE informal strategy to bring a mindful moment into your day, on-the-go:
Using your senses / Moment of awe / Pause to reset / Cue your calm / Conscious cooking / Mindful eating / Go slow
ADVANCED PRACTICE: Use the tiny habit strategy to solidify your daily meditation practice, and consciously bring more mindful moments into your day.
Annika recommends: 10-15 minutes of meditation a day
Either select a meditation from the resources section in your virtual classroom, set a timer and practice in silence, or download a beginner’s mindfulness training app of your choice.
+ Select two / three informal strategies to bring more mindful moments into your day, on-the-go:
Using your senses / Moment of awe / Pause to reset / Cue your calm / Conscious cooking / Mindful eating / Go slow.